Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Adleigh Walking with Training Wheels!

Adleigh has been walking along furniture and while holding our hands while walking for a few weeks. I've tried to get her to walk with her little walk along but haven't had much success until last night. Adleigh just grabbed on and took off. Jacob and I just stood there stunned about what we had just seen. Adleigh was so proud of herself!!! Here is a video of what I like to call "Adleigh walking with training wheels!".

It won't be long and she won't need her "training wheels". I remember Asher's 1st steps like they were yesterday. Asher grabbed the same little walk along toy and took off. I grabbed the video camera and we took the walk along toy away from Asher and she just took off on her own. She never looked back and never stopped! Adleigh isn't quite to that point yet, but by Thanksgiving we will be chasing her down the hall! :)

Oh how I love my girls!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize Adleigh was the same age as my Livie! She is almost walking too & I just love to hear them giggle when their sisters chase them! So cute, thanks for sharing the video! ♥ Kristin (aka MyTwoBabes)
